System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder Members

The members of System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Reflection.Module

Public Properties


Gets the dynamic assembly that defined this instance of System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.


Gets a String representing the fully qualified name and path to this module.


Gets a token that identifies the current dynamic module in metadata.


Gets a universally unique identifier (UUID) that can be used to distinguish between two versions of a module.


A string that indicates that this is an in-memory module.


Gets a string that represents the name of the dynamic module.

Public Methods


Completes the global function definitions and global data definitions for this dynamic module.

DefineDocument(string, Guid, Guid, Guid) : System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter

Defines a document for source.

DefineEnum(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type) : EnumBuilder

Defines an enumeration type that is a value type with a single non-static field called value__ of the specified type.

DefineGlobalMethod(string, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, Type, Type[]) : MethodBuilder

Defines a global method with the specified name, attributes, return type, and parameter types.

DefineGlobalMethod(string, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[]) : MethodBuilder

Defines a global method with the specified name, attributes, calling convention, return type, and parameter types.

DefineGlobalMethod(string, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[], Type[], Type[], Type[][], Type[][]) : MethodBuilder

Defines a global method with the specified name, attributes, calling convention, return type, custom modifiers for the return type, parameter types, and custom modifiers for the parameter types.

DefineInitializedData(string, byte[], System.Reflection.FieldAttributes) : FieldBuilder

Defines an initialized data field in the .sdata section of the portable executable (PE) file.

DefineManifestResource(string, System.IO.Stream, System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes)

Defines a binary large object (BLOB) that represents a manifest resource to be embedded in the dynamic assembly.

DefinePInvokeMethod(string, string, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[], System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention, System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet) : MethodBuilder

Defines a PInvoke method with the specified name, the name of the DLL in which the method is defined, the attributes of the method, the calling convention of the method, the return type of the method, the types of the parameters of the method, and the PInvoke flags.

DefinePInvokeMethod(string, string, string, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[], System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention, System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet) : MethodBuilder

Defines a PInvoke method with the specified name, the name of the DLL in which the method is defined, the attributes of the method, the calling convention of the method, the return type of the method, the types of the parameters of the method, and the PInvoke flags.

DefineResource(string, string) : System.Resources.IResourceWriter

Defines the named managed embedded resource to be stored in this module.

DefineResource(string, string, System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes) : System.Resources.IResourceWriter

Defines the named managed embedded resource with the given attributes that is to be stored in this module.

DefineType(string) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder for a private type with the specified name in this module.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given the type name and the type attributes.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given type name, its attributes, and the type that the defined type extends.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type, int) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given the type name, the attributes, the type that the defined type extends, and the total size of the type.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type, PackingSize) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given the type name, the attributes, the type that the defined type extends, and the packing size of the type.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type, Type[]) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given the type name, attributes, the type that the defined type extends, and the interfaces that the defined type implements.

DefineType(string, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes, Type, PackingSize, int) : TypeBuilder

Constructs a TypeBuilder given the type name, attributes, the type that the defined type extends, the packing size of the defined type, and the total size of the defined type.

DefineUninitializedData(string, int, System.Reflection.FieldAttributes) : FieldBuilder

Defines an uninitialized data field in the .sdata section of the portable executable (PE) file.


Defines an unmanaged embedded resource given an opaque binary large object (BLOB) of bytes.


Defines an unmanaged resource given the name of Win32 resource file.

Equals(object) : bool

Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to the specified object.

GetArrayMethod(Type, string, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[]) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo

Returns the named method on an array class.

GetArrayMethodToken(Type, string, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, Type, Type[]) : MethodToken

Returns the token for the named method on an array class.

GetConstructorToken(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo) : MethodToken

Returns the token used to identify the specified constructor within this module.

GetCustomAttributes(bool) : object[]

Returns all the custom attributes that have been applied to the current System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.

GetCustomAttributes(Type, bool) : object[]

Returns all the custom attributes that have been applied to the current System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder, and that derive from a specified attribute type.

GetField(string, System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.FieldInfo

Returns a module-level field, defined in the .sdata region of the portable executable (PE) file, that has the specified name and binding attributes.

GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.FieldInfo[]

Returns all fields defined in the .sdata region of the portable executable (PE) file that match the specified binding flags.

GetFieldToken(System.Reflection.FieldInfo) : FieldToken

Returns the token used to identify the specified field within this module.

GetHashCode() : int

Returns the hash code for this instance.

GetMethods(System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo[]

Returns all the methods that have been defined at the module level for the current System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder, and that match the specified binding flags.

GetMethodToken(System.Reflection.MethodInfo) : MethodToken

Returns the token used to identify the specified method within this module.

GetSignatureToken(SignatureHelper) : SignatureToken

Defines a token for the signature that is defined by the specified System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.

GetSignatureToken(byte[], int) : SignatureToken

Defines a token for the signature that has the specified character array and signature length.

GetStringConstant(string) : StringToken

Returns the token of the given string in the module’s constant pool.

GetSymWriter() : System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter

Returns the symbol writer associated with this dynamic module.

GetType(string) : Type

Gets the named type defined in the module.

GetType(string, bool) : Type

Gets the named type defined in the module, optionally ignoring the case of the type name.

GetType(string, bool, bool) : Type

Gets the named type defined in the module, optionally ignoring the case of the type name. Optionally throws an exception if the type is not found.

GetTypes() : Type[]

Returns all the classes defined within this module.

GetTypeToken(string) : TypeToken

Returns the token used to identify the type with the specified name.

GetTypeToken(Type) : TypeToken

Returns the token used to identify the specified type within this module.

IsDefined(Type, bool) : bool

Returns a value that indicates whether the specified attribute type has been applied to this module.

IsResource() : bool

Gets a value indicating whether the object is a resource.

IsTransient() : bool

Returns a value that indicates whether this dynamic module is transient.

ResolveField(int, Type[], Type[]) : System.Reflection.FieldInfo

Returns the field identified by the specified metadata token, in the context defined by the specified generic type parameters.

ResolveMember(int, Type[], Type[]) : System.Reflection.MemberInfo

Returns the type or member identified by the specified metadata token, in the context defined by the specified generic type parameters.

ResolveMethod(int, Type[], Type[]) : System.Reflection.MethodBase

Returns the method or constructor identified by the specified metadata token, in the context defined by the specified generic type parameters.

ResolveSignature(int) : byte[]

Returns the signature blob identified by a metadata token.

ResolveString(int) : string

Returns the string identified by the specified metadata token.

ResolveType(int, Type[], Type[]) : Type

Returns the type identified by the specified metadata token, in the context defined by the specified generic type parameters.


Applies a custom attribute to this module by using a custom attribute builder.

SetCustomAttribute(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo, byte[])

Applies a custom attribute to this module by using a specified binary large object (BLOB) that represents the attribute.

SetSymCustomAttribute(string, byte[])

This method does nothing.


Sets the user entry point.

Protected Methods

Explicitly Implemented Interface Members

System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetIDsOfNamesDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.

For a description of this member, see System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetTypeInfo(uint, uint, IntPtr).

System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetTypeInfoCountDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.InvokeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.