MonoTouch.HomeKit.HMCharacteristicMetadataFormat Enumeration
Enumerates the data types that can represent characteristics.


[MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.iOS(8, 0)]
public enum HMCharacteristicMetadataFormat


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Member NameDescription
ArrayThe data are represented by arrays.
BoolThe data are represented by Boolean values.
DataThe data are represented by binary blobs.
DictionaryThe data are represented by dictionary values.
FloatThe data are represented by float values.
IntThe data are represented by int values.
NoneThe data format is either unspecified or unknown.
ObjectThe data are represented by an object.
StringThe data are represented by string values.
Tlv8The data are represented by Tlv8 values, which are packed 8-bit type and length values, followed by the number of bytes that are specified in the packed length field.
UInt16The data are represented by UInt16 values.
UInt32The data are represented by UInt32 values.
UInt64The data are represented by UInt64 values.
UInt8The data are represented by UInt8 values.


Namespace: MonoTouch.HomeKit
Assembly: monotouch (in monotouch.dll)
Assembly Versions: