MonoMac.CoreAnimation.CAGradientLayer Class
Layer that renders a gradient over its background.

See Also: CAGradientLayer Members


[MonoMac.Foundation.Register("CAGradientLayer", true)]
public class CAGradientLayer : CALayer


When you want to use one of the CALayer subclasses as your UIView's backing layer, you need to add the following code snippet to your class:

C# Example

class MyView : UIView {
    // This instructs the runtime that whenever a MyView is created
    // that it should instantiate a CAGradientLayer and assign that to the
    // UIView.Layer property
    [Export ("layerClass")]
    public static Class LayerClass () {
        return new Class (typeof (CAGradientLayer));


Namespace: MonoMac.CoreAnimation
Assembly: XamMac (in XamMac.dll)
Assembly Versions: