Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpanFlags Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor, Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor, and Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor members.


public enum SuggestionSpanFlags


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor, Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor, and Android.Text.Style.SuggestionSpan..ctor members.


Member NameDescription
AutoCorrectionSets this flag if the auto correction is about to be applied to a word/text that the user is typing/composing. This type of suggestion is rendered differently to indicate the auto correction is happening.
EasyCorrectSets this flag if the suggestions should be easily accessible with few interactions. This flag should be set for every suggestions that the user is likely to use.
MisspelledSets this flag if the suggestions apply to a misspelled word/text. This type of suggestion is rendered differently to highlight the error.


Namespace: Android.Text.Style
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: